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Ferry access gate closed

Editor: Have we all gone crazy and lost all common sense? B.C. Ferries wants to close the access gate on the south side by Langdale Creek. Why? We don't know.


Have we all gone crazy and lost all common sense?

B.C. Ferries wants to close the access gate on the south side by

Langdale Creek. Why? We don't know. Maybe they don't want to send someone up to open it in the morning and shut it in the night. This costs money.

What's the problem? They don't want people to enter or exit at the "toll" booths. This means anybody going on foot from the Gibsons side, or exiting on foot to the Gibsons side is expected to enter/exit the terminal after crossing four traffic lanes with a walk light that wouldn't let a snail cross.

It will mean that when you exit the ferry instead of a short level

walk to the gate to go south, they expect you to climb a hill with

baggage and then cross the same traffic lanes, absolutely nuts, and

makes no sense.

This is something that was done with no discussion with the community, and we should have had a voice. I think we would have asked for second thought.

Richard Hopkins
