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Family fights back

No family should have to go through the torment and anguish that the May family is going through.

No family should have to go through the torment and anguish that the May family is going through.

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the outrage the family of Genoa Jean May experienced after they learned that the convicted killer of their child, who had changed his name, was seeking parole, 25 years after the brutal and senseless murder in Sechelt.

The family was outraged that they had to hire a private investigator to track down Ryan Scott Brady (formerly Darren Kelly) because our justice system and the parole board had no idea where he was in the correctional service records. Because of the public pressure and scrutiny that the family brought to this case, Brady waived his right to a parole hearing, but he will most likely apply for unescorted day parole in early January. He can also reapply for full parole in one year and every two years after that.

But we have a chance to stop this from happening and hopefully keep this monster locked up for good.

A Coast-wide petition (already 2,000 signatures have been collected) is calling for changes to Bill C-39 and Bill C-48.

Bill C-39 will ensure that the protection of society and fairness to the victims of dangerous criminals are paramount considerations for the Correctional Service of Canada and the National and Provincial Parole Boards. Bill C-48 will allow judges to sentence dangerous offenders to more than 25 years without parole and sentence those who commit multiple murders to consecutive sentences.

Brady killed once, so why should he be given the chance to reoffend? Psychiatrist reports provided to the family suggest Brady is an extreme risk to reoffend. If he is granted unescorted day parole or, even worse, outright parole, who knows what atrocities could happen?

These are important bills that must get passed by our politicians in Ottawa, as quickly as possible. By signing the petition, we can tell our lawmakers in Ottawa that these types of criminals no longer should have rights.

We need to change our laws to keep Brady and others like him behind bars forever. Only then can the victims move forward with their lives without having to continually relive their nightmares.

It's time for the rights of the victims to take precedence over the rights of the criminals.