On behalf of the Elves Club I am writing to ask Coast residents for their financial support to help with the Christmas hamper distribution.
Poverty on the Sunshine Coast does exist and every year the number of requests for assistance increases. It is because of a strong community spirit and a commitment to "neighbours helping neighbours" that we have never had to turn down a request. Thanks to this generous spirit we were able to deliver 751 hampers last year to make the holiday season a little more joyous.
As always, we are greatly in need of donations of non-perishable food items. If everyone who could would begin to put aside an item or two on a regular basis. It would make a huge difference come holiday time. Drop offs and depots will be open soon.
The Elves Club Telethon will be held on Dec. 8, in the Heritage Playhouse Theatre in Gibsons. I would like to invite you to join us to share a talent or make a donation live on the air. This is a great way to show the community how much you care, and allows us the opportunity to thank you in person. Please fax at 604-886-8036 or email [email protected].
I hope that you can help. Your support is deeply appreciated. Please know that someone's life will be a little brighter because of you.
We raise money locally, we shop locally, and we give locally.
Jeanne Sylvester
Elves Club secretary