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Educated with facts, not fiction

Editor: You should practise what you preach, Ms. Roy. In your editorial of Oct. 15 regarding the mental health treatment facility proposed in Langdale, you encourage people to educate themselves on the issues at stake here.


You should practise what you preach, Ms. Roy. In your editorial of Oct. 15 regarding the mental health treatment facility proposed in Langdale, you encourage people to educate themselves on the issues at stake here. You then go on to say that the facility will be a house in Langdale.

If you were to educate yourself, you would have discovered that the concept drawing for this facility shows 19 buildings. These include mostly residential buildings, as well as buildings to support the farming efforts at the facility. The population of the facility will be in excess of 100 people, which includes 36 inpatients, a number of outpatients, caregivers and volunteers.

The proponents may call this a farm because that's easier to sell, but let's be realistic - first and foremost, it's a mental health treatment facility. Sure, the concerns in the community include the safety of the residents and our children, but they also address the impact that a facility of this magnitude will have on the environment and our infrastructure.

I agree with you that we need to be educated, but let's do it with facts, not fiction.

Ian Winn

Williamsons Landing