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Don't show cell phone stupidity

After reading Ian Jacques' column (Coast Reporter, June 26) I feel I must comment on his words. Recently I was in hospital next to a young woman who, as she was on her way home from work, had been grievously injured on our highway.

After reading Ian Jacques' column (Coast Reporter, June 26) I feel I must comment on his words.

Recently I was in hospital next to a young woman who, as she was on her way home from work, had been grievously injured on our highway.

People who drive so thoughtlessly on our roads with a cell phone glued to their ear should have listened to her, as she moaned in pain when the analgesics wore off. In spite of her best intentions, there were times when depression and hopelessness were her companions.

People should see the results of their stupidity and carelessness, the long-term results of which are folk like her, looking forward to months of recovery and perhaps never being able to lead a normal life again. There are many victims of accidents on this deathtrap of a highway that we call the 101. How many of these could have been avoided? Remember people: "You're a long time dead!"

Is a voice mail, a telephone chat, a business deal, any good to you then?

Avril Taylor, Gibsons