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Dogs at GPAG reception

Editor: I was really looking forward to a meet and greet reception for the new Gibsons Public Art Gallery location last Saturday, Aug. 11, until a dog started running around the place like it was in a park.


I was really looking forward to a meet and greet reception for the new Gibsons Public Art Gallery location last Saturday, Aug. 11, until a dog started running around the place like it was in a park.

I don't hate animals, but I do have a right toattend apublic function where food and drink are servedto humanswithout dogs being present. I was told that dogs were allowed in the old building. So,what if two or three or even five dog owners broughttheir pets to an event? What'sthe cut-off number of animals allowedat functions? In my opinion, leave your animals at home.

The onlychoiceI have is to never again attend functions at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery. No, I did not stay for the event. I was too annoyed that some people are so ignorant. I guess GPAGwon't be getting my support. I was scheduled to display my artwork next year.

I hope the animal lovers, who can't stay away from their pets for an hour or two, will compensate for lack of my donation.

Jennie Tschoban, Gibsons