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Do younger people care?

Lately we're wondering the same thing as Pete Seeger -where have all the young men gone, or for that matter all the young women? We attend a lot of meetings and events in the course of a week on the Coast.

Lately we're wondering the same thing as Pete Seeger -where have all the young men gone, or for that matter all the young women? We attend a lot of meetings and events in the course of a week on the Coast. More and more the age group likely to be best represented is distinguishable by its grey hair. We realize seniors supposedly have more time on their hands along with (for the most part) a burning desire to make the world they live in a better place. But surely there must be young people, we're talking 30-somethings here not teens, who care about their neighbourhood. Some of them will cite young families, commuting to the city or a dearth of cash as reasons for their lack of involvement. But these factors don't seem to stop them from taking part in purely individual pursuits.

And events free or extremely economical designed entirely around families are not even being supported. Witness the puny crowds at this year's Sea Cavalcade. Where was everyone - did you all have holidays the same weekend? Where were you when the pleas for more help organizing Gibsons' best family festival went out? And last weekend, where was everyone when some of the best music heard on the Coast in years lacked only the most crucial element - an audience. It's extremely disappointing to spend months planning a family-friendly event, only to have a minimum of people show up. This weekend and next week there are many free art events for all ages. All that's needed is for people to show up and enjoy them. Bring your kids to the big tent by the District of Sechelt offices and let them have a terrific artistic experience. While you're there, ask the volunteers if there's anything you can do to be part of their group. Go to the free dance tonight at the Seniors Centre in Sechelt and remember to thank the people who worked so hard to bring this treat to our little town. If you're still not tempted, check out the website for even more options. The folks with the silver hair for whom a walking stick isn't a fashion accessory need some young help. Look around the hospital - not all the patients are over 65 but the majority of volunteers sure are. We're worried that by the time the present crop of younger people get around to volunteering and supporting their community, there will be nothing left to support. Imagine what a tragedy that would be.