Where are the letters from people in favour of curbside recycling?
Don't let a few spoil it for everyone. My family has used the curbside recycling bin since pickup began in Sechelt. What a great service for all of us. Not everyone wants to load their cars with refuse and sort it out in a parking lot.
Direct Disposal Corp. has the perfect setup. They provide the bins, empty the bins, sort the product on site and make sure it all goes to the right place to be processed. We have seen the facility and seen how the recycling is sorted; no garbage gets in. Curbside recycling has been going on for many years in the Lower Mainland, and it works!
The Sunshine Coast is growing and so is the need for curbside recycling. There is a program already in place in Sechelt that is successful, capable of providing service for the whole Coast, and the proof is in the recycling bins we all put out on Mondays.
A. Jeary, Sechelt