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Curbside is a viable answer

Recent letters and articles representing the views of a small but vocal group lobbying for depot recycling compel me to address the misinformation about curbside recycling. Curbside recycling programs have been the gold standard for years and many B.

Recent letters and articles representing the views of a small but vocal group lobbying for depot recycling compel me to address the misinformation about curbside recycling.

Curbside recycling programs have been the gold standard for years and many B.C. communities, large and small, use this system.

The highest landfill diversion rates are achieved through curbside recycling programs primarily because of their high (90 per cent) participation rates. Curbside programs provide everybody with the opportunity, means and incentive to recycle.

In contrast, depots are highly exclusive (available only to those with the time, resources, ability and motivation to travel to and from a centralized location which could be miles away from home) and therefore have dramatically lower participation and recapture rates.

This unfortunate fact is clearly evident to us as we consistently observe significant volumes of recyclable materials amongst residential garbage collected in Gibsons and the regional district.

Mr. Boyd claims that curbside programs handle only four or five items. In fact, Direct Disposal's program accepts at least 12 different types of material. The nature of our collection and processing systems allows us to readily expand as new needs are identified.

He also alleges that recyclables collected through our program are of low value, due to contamination. Actually, it's the high quality of our product that has enabled us to establish viable markets and maintain profitability even during the recent crash of the commodities market.

Collection of recyclables, in itself, will not enable us to achieve zero waste. However, a curbside collection program sets the stage for the largest part of that equation, that is, a curbside organics program.

Sheila Masse

Direct Disposal Corp.