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Consider all recycling options

Editor: Concerning discussion of openings in recycling opportunities in Roberts Creek, I would like to voice my hope that this does not suck energy out of the Gibsons Recycling Centre, which is trying very hard to recycle while maintaining a small fo


Concerning discussion of openings in recycling opportunities in Roberts Creek, I would like to voice my hope that this does not suck energy out of the Gibsons Recycling Centre, which is trying very hard to recycle while maintaining a small fossil fuel footprint.

The importance in supporting this private endeavour is because it is "manned" - or womaned, as the case may be. There is always someone there to educate, refine and instruct in how to improve our methods. There is much I cannot take to the unmanned stations that the Gibsons Recycling depot takes. They have gone to huge effort to make this a community place, to allow exchange of many materials and to keep them circulating as well as removing them for recycling.

I would recommend that people include this side trip on their expeditions to do business in Gibsons. This infrastructure is already in place and it would be a terrible shame to waste that.

Thank you, Barb and Buddy, for your always patient assistance and for going out of your way to make things work.

Robin Wheeler

Roberts Creek