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Changes are all positive

Editor: Now that the initial flurry of letters on the Gibsons Way redesign has settled, I'd like to offer some reflections based on several weeks of cycling the road. For us two-wheelers, it's simple - the changes are for the better.


Now that the initial flurry of letters on the Gibsons Way redesign has settled, I'd like to offer some reflections based on several weeks of cycling the road.

For us two-wheelers, it's simple - the changes are for the better. I have room to ride safely now, not hugging the curb as I was forced to before. The turning bays give me room to turn without dismounting, or, if I dismount, the Sunnycrest Road crosswalk gives me another place to cross the road. It's a shame the painted bike lane is so short, but the changes are otherwise all positive.

I've heard people mutter that few cyclists actually use the route, and I suppose they're half-right. So far, there aren't many of us compared to cars, but people change their habits slowly. I have no doubt that we'll see more cyclists on Gibsons Way as those cyclists realize that the road is no longer a death trap.

As for the four-wheelers' woes, well, I sympathize. But shouldn't we lobby for the bypass to be finished instead of demanding that Gibsons' main street be turned back into a four-lane highway?

Matt Cavers
