May is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) awareness month.
MCS is a chronic condition with symptoms that recur reproducibly in response to low levels of exposure to multiple unrelated chemicals. The symptoms improve or resolve when the irritant is removed. Some of the items that cause reactions in the chemically sensitive person are perfumes, colognes, fragrances and chemicals in personal care products, cleaning products, petrochemicals, paints, solvents and many others.
Some of the symptoms experienced once a person is exposed include dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, headache, poor concentration, sore throat, loss of voice, difficulty breathing and digestive upset. The symptoms can be severe and debilitating.
It is very difficult for those of us who suffer multiple chemical sensitivity to live a normal life. The only thing that prevents illness is to avoid exposures. A particularly high trigger for symptoms comes from exposures to perfumes, colognes and scented products. Shopping trips, bus rides, library visits and other activities that bring us in contact with people have the potential to make us sick. Even visits with friends and family can be difficult if they don't or won't understand MCS. It is almost impossible to avoid chemicals in our world. This can leave sufferers feeling isolated, which can lead to hopelessness and depression.
I hope the people of the Sunshine Coast will participate in MCS awareness this month. Please consider not using perfumes, colognes and scented products. Look for unscented products when you shop. Find out more about this condition and consider being mindful of the chemicals we are all exposed to with the products we use.
We all need to care about our own health as well as the health of our family, friends and community.
Claire Rudd
Halfmoon Bay