Peter Schober of Renewable Power Corporation chastizes those who criticize his project as non-authorities on B.C.power requirements (Coast Reporter, Aug. 14).
Apparently he is an authority, yet the BC Utilities Commission who is perhaps the ultimate authority has found some problems with IPPs. The notion thatIPP projects are being constructed solely to replace Burrard Thermal is ludicrous.All this power goes into the general North American grid and can be used as an export commodity.
Burrard Thermal is a peaking plant that operates during thosemorning and evening hours when consumption exceeds the steady baseload supplied by hydroelectric facilities.
Mr. Schober frequently referred to green technology, the need to keep up with the rest of the world, and stimulating the economy as the reasons behind this obvious goldrush. He is proud of the Ecologo certification, but which industry group dreamed up the Ecologo organization and its certification criteria? Did they endorse either the geotechnical risks or theloss of pristine habitats ifmyriad lakesare drained when outlet tunnels are drilled through mountain hillsides?
If there are no trout or salmon in these lakes or in their waters downstream, there is virtually no other environmental protection afforded by the impotent Wildlife Act. Ipredict thatsecret meetings are being held in Victoria as we speak, on how to dismantle or neuter the BCUC, just as they did with Bill 30 that took away the ability by localregional boards to scrutinize such development.
BC Hydrois the obvious expert in hydroelectric development, but has been bypassedlikely due to its longstanding strong environmental ethic. I cannot agree with Mr. Schober thatIPPs are a cleanbenign renewable industry being created for the benefit of mankind.
Bill Bengeyfield
Garden Bay