Question: How long does it take for unconcerned slobs to start a trend of destroying the beautiful new bus shelter across from Sunnycrest Mall? Answer: Less than 24 hours.
On Saturday morning, July 4, I was disgusted to see a take-out coffee cup and clear plastic juice cup with straw left behind by persons who must quench their thirst outdoors, then leave their garbage behind for others to clean up.
By the afternoon, the coffee cup was gone. In its place some artist left behind graffiti on the shelter itself.
Sad to say, people who dump their garbage wherever don't give a hoot. Where are our laws to fine these dumpsters? Well, why bother? As long as there are concerned citizens who take a day out of their lives to designate Clean the Area Day and go around picking up after these pigs, nothing will change.
Jennie Choban