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Biking thanks and apologies

Editor: Re: "Bike Race needs warning signs" (Coast Reporter, letters, July 9) I would extend a very big thank you to those involved in bringing a large-scale event like BC Bike Race to the Sunshine Coast.


Re: "Bike Race needs warning signs" (Coast Reporter, letters, July 9)

I would extend a very big thank you to those involved in bringing a large-scale event like BC Bike Race to the Sunshine Coast. There are many people who play a part in achieving a successful event, and in this case, one that results in large smiles by the participants at the end of each stage.

To the landowners who permit us to go through their lands, to the Sun-shine Coast Regional District for developing and completing a key trail that enabled riders to stay off the highway and to the logging operations that have re-established trails along the route, we can all now reap the benefits.

And of course, to the volunteers - without you there would not be events. I cannot extend my appreciation enough for those long days in the sun or rain and putting up and taking down the dreaded pink tape!

The race also impacts other trail users, and to those I will do my best to further negate any trail use mishaps. A learning experience is gained each year, and in this instance, we learned that more signs and more notice are needed. I apologize for any trouble and/or inconveniences.

Rod Camposano, course director, day four/five, BC Bike Race