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Big decision looming

The direction of the South Coast and the Sunshine Coast as a whole hinges on a big decision Nov. 18. Nov.

The direction of the South Coast and the Sunshine Coast as a whole hinges on a big decision Nov. 18.

Nov. 18 is referendum day where residents in areas E and F and the Town of Gibsons will decide whether the communities should amalgamate into a new municipality.

There are many differing views on this topic. And whether the decision is to vote yes or no, the views are certainly passionate.

We've been publishing those views for months now in our letters pages alongside reaction from politicians and the decision makers who have chosen to hold this referendum.

Knowing that this is a passionate issue, Coast Reporter plans to devote at least one full letters page to the restructure issue in the Nov. 10 issue. We might also do the same on Nov. 17 if warranted. Whether you are for or against, we want to hear from you, but there are a few guidelines.

All letters must be received by no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Letters must be signed with name and correct address for verification and must not exceed 300 words as per our normal letters policy. Any letters not meeting the above criteria will automatically be rejected. Letters should be sent via email (preferred) to [email protected]. Letters can also be faxed to 604-885-4818 or dropped off at our office at 5485 Wharf Rd. in Sechelt.

We're also encouraging residents who are still unclear on which way to vote to attend the public meetings being put on by the Sunshine Coast referendum process committee. Two meetings will be held this Saturday, Nov. 4, both at the Gibsons Legion Hall. The morning session will deal with governance, while the afternoon session will deal with services and taxes.

All topics will be discussed at the final public meeting on Nov. 14, also at the Legion.

The committee has also set up an informative website at where residents can get information about the impacts of creating a new municipality as well as the referendum process.

The bottom line is, we encourage dialogue and information sharing. Be enlightened and be informed so you can register a vote on Nov. 18. The future of this community is in your hands. Seize the opportunity and be a part of the destiny.