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Better highway long overdue

As I watch the road issues in Davis Bay unfold in Coast Reporter, I'm struck by the fact that this is, again, just the tip of the iceberg being considered.

As I watch the road issues in Davis Bay unfold in Coast Reporter, I'm struck by the fact that this is, again, just the tip of the iceberg being considered.

I do not live in Davis Bay, but as we have seen recently in Gibsons, this band-aid type approach, in an attempt to, yet again, avoid what inevitably needs to be done, only makes matters worse. The population increase, the rise in vacations closer to home, etc., have created an inarguable need for an expanded highways infrastructure that is long overdue.

That money is spent on these temporary and invasive attempts, rather than addressing the real problem, is simply wasteful and an insult. We're told there's no money for health care, education, the list goes on. Yet here we go, throwing how many hundred billion into a two-week party, a crap shoot that hopes to attract and generate big money and interest for the province, while letting those of us who live here foot the bill and suffer the shortfalls. Let's hold the powers that be accountable for the dwindling quality of life we all work so hard to maintain.

J. Paulin, Gibsons