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Be the change to want to see

Last Tuesday B.C. voted for both our MLAs, and either yes or no for STV - the proposed new electoral system. Many people say they want a new system, but not STV.

Last Tuesday B.C. voted for both our MLAs, and either yes or no for STV - the proposed new electoral system.

Many people say they want a new system, but not STV. That may have been our last chance for quite a while and only 50 per cent of eligible voters did vote. I, in high school, can't wait to vote. We need change, and not just politically. Much of the world has turned into mindless, compassionless consumers.

This has made so many problems that it's scary. Filled with greedy, selfish people, our world is spiraling out of control. People go through their day-to-day lives, alive, but not really living, and before they know it their life is over. We need to change the way our society lives and have compassion for our fellow human beings as well as the other creatures sharing our beautiful planet that we are so carelessly destroying.

It seems that everyone says, "Oh well, the next generation will take care of it." And so does the next generation, and the next.

We can't keep relying on other people to take care of everything. If you don't make the change you want, who will? If you lack the ambition, the will, the confidence to make change for what you believe, who will? Is it up to the children to change the world? Are they ready to be the change? Who's going to be their role model? This generation?

Build a fair world, the world you want to see, the world you want your children to live in. Be remembered for making the change we direly need.

Taysha Grindon, age 14, Gibsons