After leading the pedestrian way of life for a few months now (no access to a vehicle), I have started to notice certain driver behaviours that should not even be done or are outright illegal - and they are becoming worse as time goes on.
Lack of respect for pedestrians at crosswalks: More than once, I have noticed drivers who are so impatient at crosswalks, they do not check to see if people are crossing or start to move on people who are already on the crosswalk. This is called failure to yield and it carries a $144 fine plus a three demerit point penalty.
Driving on the wrong side of the road: There have been many times I've witnessed drivers who simply drive on the left side as opposed to the right, especially in West Sechelt.
The intersection of Highway 101 and Norwest Bay: It's become a constant stream of drivers who use the shoulder as a right turning lane because they feel they don't have the time to wait 30 seconds for the light to change to green. After walking across the crosswalk many times, I have to keep an eye out for drivers who decide to do this. The white shoulder line may end before the intersection, but that does not mean it is a right hand turn lane. This is also considered a moving violation.
I have also noticed drivers who use the shoulder lane at the intersection of Wharf and Highway 101 as a through lane when there is a person before them intending to turn right.
I put this letter to all drivers who think they are getting away with this or think it's normal: you're not getting away with it and it is certainly not normal. You are being watched and you are being recorded.
James Haylow