It's time to put out an APB on common sense. We already have a leash bylaw that isn't enforced and too often not respected.
Interpretation is the problem. It's an easy fix. On leash equals no interpretation needed. Well, almost. We were once rushed by an aggressive dog at the end of a retractable leash. The apologetic owner had to quickly reel in a set of whirring teeth.
On our usual walks, which include the Chap-man trail, we often run into dogs off-leash. What a hassle. The laid-back off-leash dog owners always retort, "It's OK, our dog is friendly." And when a fracas ensues, "Oops, sorry, sorry." Walks are supposed to be relaxing, not stressful.
And then there's the loose dogs using the honour system that like to explode off their property, terrorizing dog walkers and passing bicyclists. Of course, it's no big deal for owners who don't care.
Cats kill millions of birds and squirrels each year. But cats get a free-to-roam pass. If you really care about the birds or even the well being of your precious cat, keep it inside!
Here's one for council: how about a common sense bylaw, to take the place of all the inane ones?
John Bucholtz