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Alternative school a success

Editor: I would like to take a moment to recognize the Sunshine Coast Alternative School, specifically the Horizons program, and all the great things they do for the community.


I would like to take a moment to recognize the Sunshine Coast Alternative School, specifically the Horizons program, and all the great things they do for the community. They offer a wonderful opportunity for students to get their high school education the way they want to without dealing with the restrictions of a typical high school. I know the students at the Sunshine Coast Alternative School sometimes get a bad reputation and are labeled as "slow" or "lazy" but this is not the case at all. The school is actually full of great kids who just want to graduate on their own terms.

Horizons is a great program and it is very unfortunate that it gets such an undeserved bad reputation in the community. I hope this letter has helped people realize there is nothing wrong with the Alternative School and its students and they are just regular high school students.

Jesse Day

Alternative School student