The following was sent to MLA Nicholas Simons and copied to Coast Reporter.
The Globe and Mail recently published an article about slaughter of grizzly bears near Bella Coola by "conservation" officers.
An even more embarrassing article could be written about slaughter of black bears and cougars in your riding.
When you give a government department more money, the administrators get bigger offices with more staff and better benefits. When you cut the funding, it's the "front line" that suffers. This is abundantly clear at the wildlife conservation offices. When Campbell cut funding, the administrators eliminated anything to do with conservation and kept their nice warm offices.
The best thing we could do to save wildlife in this area is eliminate the conservation department altogether, thereby stopping the slaughter and saving money for the precious Olympics.
A so-called conservation officer recently shot a cougar in Sandy Hook, using the rationale that "it wouldn't come down from the tree." Would you come down if there were a dozen armed people at the bottom?
Mike Lane, Sechelt