Whew! Are we glad November is over! It was certainly a month to remember or for some to forget.
First we had torrential rains that caused mudslides in areas and almost a repeat of an early flood in Davis Bay when the banks around the sea wall just managed to keep the waves at bay.
Then came the huge storm surge a few weeks ago, bringing with it more rain and wind, knocking power out to thousands, bringing down trees and power lines, closing schools, shutting down roads and contaminating the water. You have to hand it to the fine folks in Pender who were on a boil-water advisory for three weeks. Thankfully no illnesses were reported to health officials.
But Mother Nature was just getting started clearing her throat.
Some complain about the rain, but we're pretty sure those folks would have loved to see some showers this week instead of the huge dump of the white stuff.
The Lower Mainland and Sunshine Coast set a record for the most snow in November. Again, trees were knocked down from the heavy snow pack, schools were closed and driving was chaotic. Many accidents were reported up and down the Coast. People were stranded and couldn't get out of their homes.
Probably the only folks who had a great week were all the mechanics who saw Christmas come early this year, as every last snow tire in town was gone by mid-week.
Throughout these last couple of weeks, we've gained real appreciation for this community.
We'd like to thank all the emergency crews who helped keep us safe. Police, firefighters, paramedics and especially the BC Hydro crews and highway maintenance crews who were literally run off their feet all did an amazing job.
In times of need, everyone pulled together and got through it. Whether it was offering a ride to someone walking along the highway because their car ended up in the ditch or opening up their homes to strangers due to a loss of power, this community has a big heart.