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A hand up from Habitat

Two more families have a warm and safe place to call their own this week thanks to the hard working and diligent volunteers from Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast. This wonderful organization continues to make a major impact on the Coast.

Two more families have a warm and safe place to call their own this week thanks to the hard working and diligent volunteers from Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast.

This wonderful organization continues to make a major impact on the Coast. The duplex home on Reef Road in Sechelt is the second completed housing project with the first coming a few years ago in Gibsons. We attended our second dedication ceremony last Saturday and the energy, good will and smiles from all involved was infectious. What could be a better feeling than playing a part in creating a home - and in this case - two homes for two well-deserving families? Many volunteers, not just with Habitat, but contractors, suppliers and labourers, toiled long and hard the past two years to complete the Reef Road project. They all deserve our thanks and admiration. Now the work shifts to Habitat's next mission - the Sunshine Coast Village project in Wilson Creek. This project consists of seven duplexes that will provide 14 more homes to those in need. The goal is to have four families housed by this time next year. But just like the first two projects, it won't be easy. Many hands are needed to come together to give these families a hand up. If you're good with a hammer, why not volunteer? If you have the means to donate materials to the project, then do it. And if you can't directly offer support on site, then you can help by supporting Habitat's ReStore or dropping off your recyclables at the regional district recycling depots in Sechelt and Gibsons. Habitat has been awarded the Alcan recycling award for many years. Let's help them win another one and continue the good work that this organization has done on the Coast.

No need to gagThe writ drops on Tuesday, but the provincial election campaign is in full swing. Despite a last ditch effort by the provincial government to overturn a Supreme Court ruling the so called "gag law" restricting third-party election advertising, the ruling stands allowing for better balance this election. This is a good thing. If the Liberal government is so confident in their record, then stand up for it. If others challenge their work, then challenge theirs right back. That's the beauty of election season. Everyone gets to have their say and in the end, voters get to make their choice. Let the games and advertising begin!