The team of Howie Larsen, Juanita Wannamaker, Jared Wannamaker and Colleen Wannamaker completed a curling feat on Dec. 17 at the Gibsons Curling Club’s Wednesday night Mixed League with the third documented eight-ender in club history.
According to Juanita, “The opposing skip tried drawing to the centre with both his last two rocks, but both just touched ours and rolled open so that we did have a shot but not an easy one to score the eight. The ice was difficult as it was falling, but Jared threw the right weight and the rock fell to start with, then finished enough to hit the rock in exactly the right spot to tap it through the other rocks that were gathered near the centre. It was very exciting for us and for Colleen, our lead and a second year curler, as she didn’t realize how hard it is to score eight.”