The Sunshine Coast Skating Club begins its new season on Tuesday at the Sunshine Coast Arena.
Registration for the new season will be held at the arena Sept 7 to 9 from 5 to 6 p.m. In conjunction with registration, a skate and dress swap will also take place. Registration will also be held on Saturday, Sept. 11, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Trail Bay Mall in Sechelt and from 2 to 4 p.m. at Sunnycrest Mall in Gibsons.
Classes offered this year include Canskate, power Canskate, hockey buddies, jump start, pre-competitive, competitive, beginner Canskate and adult Canskate.
The beginner Canskate program is new to the club this season. The program is suitable for 3 to 5 year olds with no skating experience. It will be held on Wednesdays in conjunction with the hockey buddies program with a half hour of on-ice instruction for both programs.
The club is also trying to push its pre-competitive (prep) program and jumpstart programs.
By audition only, these programs are for skaters who may have participated in Canskate and show an interest in figure skating. It is suggested that the skater have attained a level four or five skills badge. The programs introduce skaters to various aspects of figure skating, while building on the skills learned in Canskate.
Pre-competitive and Jumpstart will begin the path that hopefully leads to Skate Canada's Starskate and competitive programs.
Jumpstart targets older skaters (10 and over). Each class includes a stroking session, group free skate lesson, group skills/edges lesson, interpretive lesson and practice time.
Auditions for the pre-competitive program will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 22, from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. or Thursday, Sept. 23, from 5 to 5:45 p.m.
The club has secured what they feel is a solid group of coaches and volunteers.
Chantelle Dibley is back for another season with the club.
Dibley has been coaching for 19 years and has been living on the Coast for five and a half years.
Anita Flay joins the club this year and will be working in the Jumpstart and power Canskate programs.
Sherri Nelsen is a certified fitness instructor and will handle all off-ice classes for the figure skaters.
"Chantelle and Anita know each other and are quite eager to work with each other," said club president Joanne Camenisch. "It's a great team. I feel the club is moving in a very positive direction and we're all looking forward to a great year."
The Sunshine Coast Skating Club is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization.
The club is in need of volunteers to assist in its operation. Community members interested in helping out or wanting program details or registration information can call Brenda Harkin at 604-885-8942 or Jill-Marie Jarvis at 604-886-3445.