The Sunshine Coast Shotokan Karate Club has attended the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) B.C. 2016 Provincial Championship for the past three years in a row and returned home with medals each year.
This year is particularly special as one of the students, Lewis Campbell, was awarded the ISKF B.C. Junior Good Sportsmanship Trophy.
The club took a total of 23 competitors to the championship on April 9, where they competed against about 160 other fighters.
All of the karateka from the club did an amazing job – from the white belt, who was the first person to enter the ring, up to the brown belt, who was entered into his first free-style kumite match.
It takes a strong character to step into the ring in front of a couple hundred spectators and perform, all the while being watched by five judges with no do-overs allowed. Everyone gave their very best and represented the Sunshine Coast with sincerity and respect.
The students showed the utmost decorum, graciously accepting judges’ decisions and maintaining a high degree of karate spirit.
Sunshine Coast Shot-okan Karate Club has been training for the past five years, with a dojo in Sechelt and one in Madeira Park. From a quiet beginning with a handful of people, the club has grown to 37 members with five black belts.
The club strives to attain the goals set out by Master Gichin Funakoshi – first and foremost, to seek perfection of character through diligent and hard training in the martial art of karate. Other aims are to endeavour to be faithful (sincere), respect others and refrain from violent behaviour. These intentions are woven into all classes.
To become a member of the family-friendly Sunshine Coast Shotokan Karate Club, contact Sensei CherryDawn Bolognese at [email protected] for more information.