The Pacific Blades speed skating club recently put a wrap on another successful season. According to club president Peter Maseja, club membership was the highest the club has ever achieved, which he attributes to the success of Team Canada at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
"Word of mouth locally has also helped," he said. "We have participated in several competitions this year and came away with excellent results."
At the end of the season Willie Daigneault qualified for the Western Canadian championships in Kelowna, where he won a silver medal. The other Coast skater, Nicole Maseja, presently skating at the Olympic Oval with the Calgary Speed Skating Club, also participated at the Canadian Short Track Championship in Montreal, finishing in the top 10 in the junior A category in Canada.
Off the ice, the club held several successful fund-raisers, including a raffle for a Rocky Mountaineer train trip, won by Arlene Longman from Gibsons.
"Many thanks as well to all the supporters. Without them, we would not be able to have a speed skating club on the Coast," Maseja said.
The club is accepting applications for next season and only has a few spaces for their September start-up. The club is also looking to start a once-a-week skating and conditioning program with the Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association.
For more details on that program or any further information about the club, call 604-885-9077.