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Lily Riggs takes second

Lily Riggs and her coach Curtis Munson.

On Oct. 14, Lily Riggs of Gibsons competed at the Vancity Showdown, her third IPF British Columbia Powerlifting Association competition.

Unlike most competitions, this one was an open age category, meaning people of all ages were competing against each other. Lily was the youngest competitor and placed second overall.

She unofficially broke three national records – bench: 72.5kg (159 lbs), deadlift: 162.5kg (358 lbs) and total: 365kg (803 lbs) which includes her squat: 130kgs (287 lbs).

She also broke all her outstanding provincial records – squat, bench, deadlift and total.

Look for her interview with Charlene San Jenko in PowHERhouse magazine, fall 2017.

Currently Lily trains at Valhalla Strength and Conditioning in Sechelt with her coach Curtis Munson. She is in the process of becoming a personal trainer and will be getting her first certificate in Level 1 kettle bell training in a couple of weeks. Keep your eyes open for her new classes.

– Submitted