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Wilson wants back into Liberal party

Now that member of Parliament Blair Wilson has put the eight-month elections Canada investigation behind him, his focus is to rejoin the national Liberal caucus. But that could be easier said than done.

Now that member of Parliament Blair Wilson has put the eight-month elections Canada investigation behind him, his focus is to rejoin the national Liberal caucus.

But that could be easier said than done.

At Sunday's press conference in West Vancouver, Wilson said Liberal leader Stéphane Dion and the national caucus have been kept abreast of the situation and the results of the investigation and that he's confident the party will reinstate him.

"I'm sure he's as happy as I am that I have been cleared by Elections Canada and I await his decision and the decision of the national caucus as to when in fact I can rejoin the fold and maintain this riding as a Liberal seat," said Wilson.

Wilson said on Sunday morning he sent letters to all his Liberal colleagues passing on the good news that he had been cleared by Elections Canada and of his desire to rejoin the party.

According to Wilson, the national caucus meets again Aug. 19 in Winnipeg.

When Coast Reporter asked Wilson whether he would run in the next election as an Independent candidate if the Liberal party doesn't let him back, Wilson said, "Let's just wait and see I have never been afraid of a fight," he added.

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I'm just happy to stand here today and say that Elections Canada has cleared me. This is a critical riding for the country. I look forward to working with my Liberal colleagues and keeping this riding Liberal in the next election."

But Wilson's optimism is not being shared by others in the riding.

Local riding association president Ken Halliday said he doesn't think Wilson will be reinstated.

"I'm not familiar with all the rules, but at this point the leader of the party would have to change his mind," Halliday said. "The leader made his decision based on the fact that Mr. Wilson failed to disclose information as a candidate that didn't enable the party to do its due diligence when screening prospective candidates. This was long before the Elections Canada investigation or the lawsuit between Mr. Wilson and Mr. Lougheed."

When asked if Wilson has made any contact with the riding association, Halliday said, "He hasn't approached us or made any contact with us."

Halliday said at this point the association is moving forward as it searches for a new candidate. He confirmed that three candidates have submitted applications and he expects to receive a submission from a fourth candidate by the end of the week."All of those submissions will then go forward to our green light committee who will review the applications and then submit their recommendations," Halliday said. "Once that is done, it will be up to the recommended candidates to decide if they want to seek the nomination."

Halliday said he could not speculate how long this process would take.

"It's the summer time and once the candidates are in place, there has to be sufficient time for all of them to sign up supporters and have the nomination meeting," said Halliday. "All of this is good stuff. It will invigorate the party. Things have been really negative with the Blair Wilson situation."

Wilson's opponents had little to say about the investigation.

Conservative candidate John Weston said he looks forward to running against whomever Dion and the Liberals see fit to run as their candidate in the next election.

"Elections Canada said Mr. Wilson was in breach of three counts. What they deem for punishment is their business, not mine," Weston said.

New Democrat Dana Larsen said if Wilson runs again it will probably be as an Independent candidate because he does not think the Liberals will let him back in.

"If he runs again, I look forward to seeing him in the debates and at the all-candidates meetings," Larsen said. "I doubt the Liberals will take him back, but that's an internal decision for them to make."