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Welcome to our new look

Coast Reporter has a new look starting today with the first major redesign of the newspaper in more than 10 years. You will notice several changes to your community newspaper, changes that we hope you will enjoy.

Coast Reporter has a new look starting today with the first major redesign of the newspaper in more than 10 years.

You will notice several changes to your community newspaper, changes that we hope you will enjoy.

The front page has a new look with different graphics and a top index, while the front section of the paper has changed with more news on pages five and six, the opinion page is now on page eight and has a dramatic new look and feel and the start of our letters section is now page 9 and includes our popular quote of the week and on-line question of the week features.

The news section continues as before up to page 20 with community, arts and entertainment, sports, health, travel and other popular community features such as the real estate section contained together.

Our award-winning classified section is now located towards the back of the newspaper and the biggest overall change is a one-section newspaper.

Coast Reporter publisher Peter Kvarnstrom explains the new changes.

"In order to better serve our readers, we have taken our newspaper apart and reassembled it, allowing for a continuous read from the front page to the back. The new organization gives the paper a natural flow that we hope will engage our readers in an even more meaningful way. Enjoy the read! Oh, and if you are wondering what happened to the signature yellow pages of Claytons Heritage Market, you will find their new place and look on pages 15, 16, 57 and 58 - in colour."

We welcome any comments you may have on our new look. Reach us at [email protected].