Sunshine Coast RCMP reported the following for Feb. 8 to 15:
On Feb. 7, a thief stole a boat motor from a residence in the 600 block of Gower Point Road. The motor was a 15 horsepower Evinrude outboard.
Sometime on Feb. 7, a vandal used brown spray paint on a windshield of a car parked in the 5700 block of Dolphin Street. No other damage was reported.
Sometime overnight on Feb. 8/9, several businesses in the 5600 block of Cowrie Street were hit by a vandal who used brown spray paint on windows and walls. Some offensive graffiti was also reported.
Early on Feb.10, a resident in the 600 block of Veterans Road was disturbed by a noise in his house. The resident did not actually catch anyone in his house, but a search around the property revealed that a small roofer's hatchet/hammer was missing from a woodpile and officers noted footprints around the front of the property. However, nothing else was disturbed and no other incidents were reported.
Sometime between Feb. 9 and 11, thieves stole a red and white 2,500-watt Honda generator and a red Husquavarna chainsaw from a vehicle parked in the 1600 block of Ocean Beach Esplanade. The generator has a silver putty repair mark on the top left side of the gas tank.
On Feb. 11, a thief stole a wallet belonging to a staff member of a business in the 5500 block of Inlet Avenue. The wallet had been left on a desk in an unlocked office.
A hit and run accident occurred after a vehicle hit a car parked in the 5800 block of Marine Way. The driver and three occupants left their vehicle and were picked up by a third vehicle. The first two vehicles were towed away due to the damage and police will be following up with the registered owner of the at-fault vehicle.
An alleged impaired driver was caught on Davis Bay Road after a routine traffic stop. The driver admitted he was unlicenced and that he had recently consumed some alcohol. The police officer conducted further checks and confirmed the male was also a vehicle impound candidate. After receiving a "warn" reading on a roadside alcohol-screening test, the driver was given a driving prohibition, a violation ticket for driving without a licence, and the vehicle was impounded.
On Feb. 13, a thief broke into a vehicle parked on B&K logging road by throwing a boulder through the window and stole a 16GB iPod and a large amount of bike and crash gear. Police remind people to avoid leaving valuables out in plain sight in vehicles.
On Feb. 14, a thief broke into a residence in the 1100 block of Crowe Road after prying a lock off a door. The thief stole a mini Curtis 7" LCD DVD player and several pieces of jewelry, including a yellow gold ring with a black Alaskan diamond and a yellow gold rope ring with a sapphire.