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Unit 12 responds to pair of calls

Unit 12 of the Halfmoon Bay Coast Guard responded to a pair of incidents last week. On Tuesday, Aug. 23, four duty crew members were paged to their fast response vessel, the Ken Moore, at 5:40 p.m.

Unit 12 of the Halfmoon Bay Coast Guard responded to a pair of incidents last week.

On Tuesday, Aug. 23, four duty crew members were paged to their fast response vessel, the Ken Moore, at 5:40 p.m. by the joint rescue co-ordination centre (JRCC) in Victoria to assist a 36-foot C&C sailboat that had suffered a line around its propeller and was sailing one nautical mile northwest of the Tattenham Ledge buoy, to the north of North Thormanby Island. There were two people on board, one ill with a bad headache.

The Ken Moore was on scene with the disabled vessel at 6:15 p.m. The Auxiliary vessel took the sailboat in a tow astern after placing a crew member on board to assist in rigging lines and communication. The disabled vessel was moved to a side tow in order to more easily maneuver both vessels in docking procedure and the assisted vessel was placed safely alongside the dock.

On Thursday night just after 6 p.m., the JRCC again tasked the Ken Moore, this time with five crew members aboard, to investigate a possible fire on Merry Island, in the vicinity of the Merry Island Light.

"Someone on shore had reported seeing smoke coming from a building," said media liaison Drew McKee. "Upon arrival, the crew spoke with the assistant light keeper and was advised that there had been no fire, but the generator had gone off and the alternate generator had smoked somewhat on start-up. After communicating with JRCC the Ken Moore and her crew were advised to return to base."

The Auxiliary welcomes new members and provides classroom and on-the-water training to those who join this voluntary service. This is an organization that trains to a high standard and expects a commitment from those who join.

The Auxiliary meets most Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in the station at the marina below what used to be the Jolly Roger Hotel/restaurant/lounge and the crews would be happy to answer questions and show vessels to prospective members, female and male. For more information about volunteering, contact McKee at 604-885-5746 or Barry Poole at 604-885-4112.

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