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Tweaks coming for Sunshine Coast riparian rules: SCRD holding public hearing

The Sunshine Coast Regional District wants to strengthen its protection of local riparian areas by making three amendments to bylaws as a way to meet provincial requirements. These proposed amendments will be discussed at a public hearing June 24, 2024.
Riparian areas must be assessed by a professional before any land alteration can take place near a body of water, including creeks, rivers, ponds, wetlands, lakes, sometimes ditches.

The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) wants to strengthen its protection of local riparian areas by making three amendments to bylaws as a way to meet provincial requirements. These proposed amendments will be discussed at a public hearing on June 24.

According to the SCRD, riparian areas link water to land, are the “in-between” places where aquatic and terrestrial habitats coexist and are important transition zones vital for biodiversity, water quality, flood protection, soil stability and providing habitat and nutrients for various species of fish and wildlife.

These areas must be assessed by a professional before any land alteration can take place near a riparian body of water, including creeks, rivers, ponds, wetlands, lakes and sometimes ditches — whether natural, manmade, seasonal or permanent.

Because of the geography of the Sunshine Coast, these areas are not only found in the back country but also near properties already built and on land that is dedicated for future development.

About the proposed amendments 

Two of the three proposed amendments are housekeeping items, which seek to bring SCRD bylaws into alignment with provincial legislation, regulations and guidelines.  

The third amendment is not required for legislative alignment, however, offers an opportunity to provide clarity to property owners and their contractors to prevent encroachment into protected riparian areas. 

The amendments deal with how lot area is calculated when subdividing land with a watercourse through it, establishing stream buffer areas and increasing watercourses and waterbodies setbacks in the Pender Harbour Zoning Bylaw to align with the provincial best practices and the other electoral areas' Zoning Bylaw. 

To date, the amendments have been referred to the Advisory Planning Commissions (APC) and relevant agencies, an APC workshop was delivered, and the bylaws passed first and second readings. Staff reports are posted on the Let’s Talk page

In recognition of the technical nature of the amendments, staff have posted a narrated slideshow video on the Let’s Talk platform explaining the reason for the proposed amendments. If you’re interested in this bylaw amendment, please watch the SCRD video.  Members of the public can also ask questions prior to the meeting.

The public hearing takes place on June 24, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the SCRD’s Main Administration Building on Field Road in Sechelt. Members of the public can also find more information, ask questions prior to the hearing or join the SCDR meeting virtually.