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Trustees adopt budget

School District No. 46 (SD46) trustees adopted the 2011/12 annual budget at their May 10 school board meeting. An annual budget of $35,615,013 was given three readings and adoption. Of the $35.

School District No. 46 (SD46) trustees adopted the 2011/12 annual budget at their May 10 school board meeting.

An annual budget of $35,615,013 was given three readings and adoption.

Of the $35.6 million budget, $30,199,778 will go to pay for employee salaries and benefits. The remaining $5,415,235 is earmarked for services and supplies.

Neighbourhoods of learning

During the executive's report superintendent Deborah Palmer noted SD46 is planning more neighbourhood of learning concept meetings to discuss ways for schools and community organizations to partner together.

The meetings are meant to find ways to meet the government's directive to create Neighbourhood Learning Centres.

"School districts are encouraged to consult with community partners and organizations to find unique and innovative ways to design schools with community use in mind and create places where people have better access to educational and community services," the Ministry states on its Neighbourhood Learning Centres website. "All school districts are now being encouraged to move towards this inclusive approach to planning the use of new school space and including elements of Neighbourhood Learning Centres in all new and replacement schools."

Gala of Stars

Representatives from Sunshine Coast Special Olympics came to the May 10 meeting to tell trustees about their upcoming Gala of Stars event and ask for support from the school district.

The Special Olympians will host a dinner banquet, complete with live music, a silent and live auction and entertainment on Saturday, May 28, at 6 p.m. at the Sechelt Seniors Centre.

Special Olympian Michael Brooks invited trustees to support the event through attending, donating to the silent or live auction, sponsoring the event or giving a cash donation.

All money raised will go toward the annual operating budget of $50,000 needed to keep the Sunshine Coast Special Olympic team competitive.

School board chair Silas White thanked Brooks for his inspirational talk and asked if some of the government funding has been restored to the Special Olympics program this year.

It was noted that the group is still waiting to see what they will receive in grant funding from the government.

To find out more about the Gala of Stars event or to purchase a ticket, call Paul Lith at 604-885-7307.