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Task force seeks input

The task force to attract, retain an engage the younger generation of the Sunshine Coast would like to invite the public to an evening presenting the draft plan to address the lack of settlement, employment and participation of the younger generation

The task force to attract, retain an engage the younger generation of the Sunshine Coast would like to invite the public to an evening presenting the draft plan to address the lack of settlement, employment and participation of the younger generation.

The meeting will take place this Monday, Jan. 24 at 6:30 p.m. at the Holy Family Catholic Church.

Last May,a group of about 70 individuals came together to discuss the issues around attracting, retaining, employing and engaging the younger generation of the Coast. Out of that workshop, a task force was put together to create a draft plan to present to the community. The task force is now prepared to present the draft to the community and is seeking feedback to ensure the strategy gains community support.The proposed purpose or outcome of the event will be: todiscuss a draft community plan, and some of its immediate proposals and seek greater involvement and commitment from local individuals and organizations to advance specific initiatives outlined in the draft plan

The initiative springs from the Sunshine Coast Community Foundation's release of its first Vital Signs data report and analysis to the community in October 2009. The report showed serious gaps for young people. Research and citizen grading indicated concerns in areas such as youth unemployment, affordable housing, recent job losses, and the widening gap between rich and poor.

All residents from all regions of the Sunshine Coast are encouraged to attend to ensure our community is a healthy complete community.

Childcare is available (free) and the evening is set up with entertainment and appetizers. For more information see [email protected].
