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Take a quantum leap in your relationships

"It is all very well to take courses and read books exploring our spiritual selves, but how do we make that a part of our lives without having to go and sit under a Bhoddi tree?" asks Jean-Pierre LeBlanc, author of the ground-breaking book The One Mi

"It is all very well to take courses and read books exploring our spiritual selves, but how do we make that a part of our lives without having to go and sit under a Bhoddi tree?" asks Jean-Pierre LeBlanc, author of the ground-breaking book The One Minute Goddess.

On Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. at St. Hilda's Church, as part of the Quantum Consciousness ongoing Wednesday evening series, LeBlanc will examine a practical approach to spirituality in the field of intimate relationship.

Men may be from Mars and women from Venus but LeBlanc's five-step system creates a new planetary alignment between the sexes. "Whether it's in the bedroom or the boardroom, a quantum leap in the quality of our relationships can be achieved," he said.

Over the course of two hours he will present some practical and meaningful tools to unlock the potential quality of relationships and move participants towards relational fulfillment.

The next night (Thursday, Nov. 9) from 7:15 to 9 p.m. also at St. Hilda's a follow up event will take place called The Goddess in Sechelt. Come join LeBlanc for a light-hearted and fun-filled evening exploring the insights that he presents in the Alchemy of Relationships. If you're looking for a tune-up in your relationship dynamics you won't want to miss this interactive evening for women that is a wonderful complement to the Nov. 8 evening.

LeBlanc is co-founder of SAGE Natural Wellness Stores, focusing on total health - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.A $10 donation is suggested to cover costs.

For more information about Quantum Consciousness, contact Michael Siddall at 604-740-8369 or Rev. Mark Lemon at 604-885-5019.