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Students prove they can handle the heat

From left (back row): Chef Barry Barone, Axis Clark, Griffin Shields, Kaizen Geoffrion, Liam Schmidt, Nofa Messner, Calum Cockfield, teacher Cathy Gordon and Vancouver Island University chef Debbie Shore. Front Row: Maya Avila Manitobenis, Courtney Kiesman, Tenzin Tseten and Ckrishia Paderog.

Ten students at Elphinstone Secondary proved they could handle the heat and that they belonged in the kitchen when they passed the ACE-IT Professional Cook 1 program last month.

The program is run through a partnership with School District No. 46 (SD46) and Vancouver Island University. It gives students in high school access to university level courses and the corresponding certification.

Under the direction of Elphinstone school chef Barry Barone and teacher Cathy Gordon, students completed the theory and technical training needed for the certification.

Chef Debbie Shore, from Vancouver Island University, oversaw the theory and practical work, granting university credit. 

“This program wouldn’t exist without the generous support of our local businesses who offered work experience placements,” said a press release from SD46.

“We greatly appreciate all those who help provide this opportunity for students transitioning from secondary school into the working world with the opportunity for real-life experience.”

SD46 is now accepting applications for all the ACE-IT courses offered through the school district, including cooking, carpentry and auto service technician.
Interested parents and high school students should contact their school counsellors or Cheryl Wilson, district career coordinator, at 604-740-2738 or [email protected]

Employers able to offer work experience opportunities are also asked to contact Wilson.