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Skatepark location still up for debate

The location of the new skateboard park in Gibsons is still up in the air. At the May 16 Gibsons council meeting, councillors voted to send the proposal back to the planning committee for further discussion and review.

The location of the new skateboard park in Gibsons is still up in the air.

At the May 16 Gibsons council meeting, councillors voted to send the proposal back to the planning committee for further discussion and review.

At the meeting, municipal planner Chris Marshall presented a report and his recommendation for the location for the skatepark in Brothers Park.

The Town of Gibsons has a budget of $250,000 for the construction of the skatepark.

The skatepark was originally designed to be located in Brothers Park over the old skatepark and basketball area, but as a result of locating the recreation facility in Brothers Park, the construction of the skatepark was put on hold until the siting of the community centre was established.

"As it turns out, the recreation facility is located in the same location that the skatepark was supposed to be built, so the Town needs to consider a new location," Marshall said in his report. "The skatepark designers were asked to suggest a new location for the skatepark and they have suggested locating the skatepark just south of the tennis courts and batting cage. The proposed location would encroach into the proposed parking area, reducing the parking by about 20 spaces."

Marshall said the parking being provided around the recreation facility is just sufficient for the uses being proposed in the building and does not include any parking for the surrounding fields.

"It is hoped the parking area can be shared, as the hockey rink will be used more at night and in the winter and the fields will be used more during the day in the summer," Marshall said. "Losing 20 more parking spaces for the skatepark is a concern as parking is already limited."

Several councillors also shared Marshall's concern.

"I don't want to see the park delayed any further, but we need to find a better location," said Coun. LeeAnn Johnson. "I see this as an urgent matter and we have to have this finished well before the community centre is finished."

Coun. Bob Curry suggested there were at least two better locations, but failed to elaborate, saying that debate was best left for the planning committee.

Council also voiced their concern that delaying the project could see the costs escalate even further.

The planning committee meets on June 13 at 8:30 a.m. at municipal hall where it is expected this item will be debated with a new recommendation forwarded to council for approval at the June 20 council meeting.