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Sechelt's 86-unit townhouse development on McCourt Road advances

Initial approval given to development with innovative water conservation measures
The area along McCourt Road where the development is proposed.

The gears have begun to turn for Sechelt’s newest development – an 86-townhouse unit on McCourt Road.

On May 15, Sechelt Council gave first reading to the Sandrin Leung Inc. development at 5397 McCourt Road. Conservation plans to reduce water demand for the development include rainwater collection and greywater reuse systems in each unit that will reuse shower or bath water for toilet flushing. 

Units range from two-bedroom suites at 1,466 square feet to four-bedroom apartments at 2,556 square feet. 

Forty-three secondary suites are also planned for the development and 12 of the 86 units will be market rental units. 

The property would need to be rezoned to R5 (medium density) from R2 (low density). 

As the proposal does not call for an Official Community Plan amendment, a public hearing will not be required.

Ian Holl, Sechelt development planning manager said the main unresolved issue would be around the parkland on the property. He said that the Advisory Planning Commission provided several comments and recommendations, which they will work on with the applicant.

Holl recommended giving first reading now and then returning for further readings once the issues have been resolved. 

Coun. Darren Inkster recommended a linear park go through the property, connecting the Norvan Road area to Mccourt Road. He added that he was glad to see something happening in the area and that supporting the development would likely trigger improvements to McCourt Road.

Coun. Dianne McLaughlin said she took issue with proceeding with the development right now, saying that council had already approved many years of development based on their previous growth. 

Highlighting that it is a large, important site, McLaughlin said she would have liked to have seen a landscape plan or urban design analysis to show what the developers are planning, adding that the proposal is much less detailed than others that have been presented to council. 

Council passed first reading with McLaughlin opposed. 

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.