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Sechelt hires new CAO

Local government
The new CAO of Sechelt, Andrew Yeates, who will start on April 1

The District of Sechelt has hired a new chief administrative officer – Andrew Yeates – who will take the top spot in Sechelt on April 1.

“Andrew has worked in local government for over 18 years,” a press release from the district said. “He is leaving a position he has held since 2008, CAO of Ucluelet, B.C., to accept the Sechelt posting. From 2006 to 2008, he served as the first administrator in Queen Charlotte, Haida Gwaii.”

Yeates’ educational background includes a master’s degree in business administration and an undergraduate degree in political science.

“Council’s search for a new leader for our district team was extensive,” Sechelt Mayor Bruce Milne said. “Discussions were held with a number of candidates before bringing Andrew to Sechelt to be interviewed. His interview and an extensive reference and vetting process convinced council that he had the skills and character we need in this role. We look forward to working with him to ensure the district delivers quality local government services to our residents.”

Sechelt has been without a CAO since Jan. 12, when former CAO Tim Palmer left the district. Palmer had taken the position in January 2016 and within six months on the job he announced his intention to leave. He stayed on for an additional six months, waiting for council to hire a new CAO, but ultimately couldn’t wait any longer and officially packed his bags this January.

Yeates will be the fourth CAO employed by the current council, which took office in 2014. The CAO at the time, Ron Buchhorn, resigned shortly after the new council was sworn in. Then Bill Beamish was hired as an interim CAO until Palmer was recruited. 

Yeates said he’s pleased to have been chosen as the next CAO for Sechelt.

He also said he’s “looking forward to working with council, the staff and the residents of Sechelt to provide effective and transparent local government services.”

“My wife Lisa and I are very much looking forward to settling in the Sunshine Coast and contributing to the Sechelt community,” Yeates added.