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SCRD delays taking a position on logging near Joe Smith Creek

With BCTS operating plans slated to come before the board in June, staff was suggested that the letter regarding TA0521 be considered at that point.
Left to Right: Area B director Justine Gabias, Gibsons director Silas White, Area F director Kate Louise Stamford, Area D director Kelly Backs, District of Sechelt directors John Henderson and Alton Toth, SIGD director Philip Paul, Area A director, Leonard Lee, and Area E director Donna McMahon

Mid-day April 6, a petition seeking public support to save “future old growth rainforest” in BC Timber Sales (BCTS) cutblock TA0521 (aka Joe Smith Creek) had more than 13,900 signatures.

At its regular meeting on that date, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) board postponed consideration of a motion to forward a letter making a similar request to BCTS. The motion to postponed consideration was supported by all at the table, except Area D director Kelly Backs and Sechelt director Alton Toth. 

Staff noted at the meeting that BCTS operating plans are routinely referred to the board for review and comment and that this year that is scheduled to occur in June. It was suggested that the letter be considered at that point, following established communications protocols with BCTS.

Backs introduced the motion for a letter focusing on concerns over potential impacts of logging on downstream properties, water users and infrastructure.  He cited that the cutblocks were problematic as they are in close proximity to residential properties in the Roberts Creek area.

Debate on sending the correspondence saw concerns raised regarding consideration of the board’s duty to notify and consult with the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation before taking such an action as the site is within the nation’s traditional territory.  A need for more information, and questions relating to the board expressing general opposition to logging or taking a position as a Coast-wide local government on behalf of a small number private property owners were also raised.  

In support of considering a letter, Area E director Donna McMahon noted that while the SCRD was not a decision maker in the cutblock approval process, it has responsibilities as the local purveyor of water and as the authority responsible for emergency preparedness and response. She noted that logging of the cutblock could have impacts for both of those roles.

Backs said he was “disheartened” by the decision to delay the matter. ”If we don’t make changes now, then when” was his question to the rest of the board.

The petition, launched by  Area D alternate director Candace Woods, reads, in part  “we are asking the BC Government to stop BCTS from logging all these areas (cutblocks TA 0521,  TA0048 and TA0519) and to preserve them as future old growth sites, to save our community watersheds and watershed protection forest from irreversible damage.”