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SCRD briefs: FTE count rises by 22, AAP authorised

Last year’s total SCRD expenses were $63.57 million. That was down slightly from 2022, but over $10 million higher than spending levels between 2019 and 2021. Revenues topped over $69.8 million in 2023, as those ticked up every year since 2019.
Sunshine Coast Regional District's strategic plan "reflects the collective vision" and "guides decisions and allocation of resources."

The May 23 Sunshine Coast Regional District board meeting saw last year’s annual report made available as well as initiatives affecting recreational facilities, Gibsons and district fire department clientele and two Area A residential properties approved.

2023 annual report

The 120-page 2023 annual report was received by the board. Along with highlighting its new strategic plan, statistics reported in that document showed an increase of over 22 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff positions between 2021 and 2023, with the FTE count at just over 245 as of 2023.

SCRD long-term debt has steadily increased since 2021, reported at over $24.6 million in 2023.

Last year’s total SCRD expenses, including capital acquisitions and debt principal repayment were $63.57 million. That was down slightly from 2022, but over $10 million higher than spending levels between 2019 and 2021. Revenues topped over $69.8 million in 2023, as those have ticked up every year since 2019, when that figure was $48.85 million.

Fire truck borrowing AAP

Electors within the Gibsons and District Fire Department’s jurisdiction will have from early June to July 15 to file if they object to the borrowing of up to $1.5 million for a new fire truck. The board okayed an alternative approval process for the bylaw to take on the debt at the meeting.

If 845 filings, representing 10 per cent of the area’s electors, are received, the borrowing bylaw will not be allowed to proceed. If the opposition threshold is not achieved, the borrowing bylaw will be subject to a 30-day quashing period, and if not quashed, options to proceed with truck procurement could advance.

Recreation fees and rates to increase

Bylaw amendments adjusting the rates charged at SCRD recreational facilities effective Aug. 1 were passed. Along with inflationary increases to admission fees and facility rental rates this year, rates are to increase in August of 2025 and 2026.

Another change introduced is the enshrinement of new hourly ice rental rates for junior hockey and for seniors' groups. Junior hockey will be charged a prime hour rate of $120 and $90 for non-prime hours. The seniors' rate is to be $98.70 per prime hour and $73.50 during non-prime times. The highest hourly rates charged by the SCRD are levied to commercial users, and as of Aug. 1, those will be at $315 per prime hour and $236.25 for non-prime hours.

Notices on title

The board authorized placing notices on title on properties at 124-7101 Sakinaw Woods Drive and 4436 Francis Peninsula Road. According to a staff report, the Sakinaw site requires development, variance, and building permits to bring it into compliance with regional bylaws. For the parcel on Francis Peninsula, a building permit extension is needed. If that is applied for and issued, the permit could “eventually be concluded once work is completed and all required inspections and documentation have been accepted," according to the report.