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School a boon for budding women politicians

If you think women are under represented in local politics, you're not alone. And a local group of women want to do something about changing the number of women running for office.

If you think women are under represented in local politics, you're not alone. And a local group of women want to do something about changing the number of women running for office.

So now it's time for women who are thinking of running for local government office in November to start planning. An excellent way to get started is by attending the one-day Women's Campaign School on Saturday, May 24, at Capilano College. Whether you would like to run yourself or promote another woman's campaign, this will be a wealth of information.

The non-partisan event will focus on many different aspects of local politics. The steering committee, Margaret Page, Margaret Harrington, Sue Jackal and Dawn Miller, have a jam-packed day planned for all interested women. Some of the topics being covered include the Local Government Act, a must to know for budding politicians, the school board, campaign strategy and campaign ethics. In addition there will be various presentation about such diverse topics as the role of the media in your campaign and "What would I do differently?" from experienced women politicians. The cost of $25 includes lunch. The day begins at 9 a.m. and goes to 3:45 p.m. For more information or to request a registration form contact Page at [email protected].