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Repairs to be done at rec facilities

Needed repairs at the Gibsons pool and Sunshine Coast Arena in Sechelt will be completed, but the idea of borrowing money for further upgrades has been rejected. In a sometimes-heated debate last Thursday, Feb.

Needed repairs at the Gibsons pool and Sunshine Coast Arena in Sechelt will be completed, but the idea of borrowing money for further upgrades has been rejected.

In a sometimes-heated debate last Thursday, Feb. 24, Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) board directors defeated a motion calling for a referendum on borrowing money for repairs and upgrades to recreation facilities.

Directors did, however, decide to go ahead with the most urgent and needed repairs, which include a new roof and heating system for the Gibsons pool and a condenser for the Sunshine Coast Arena. The funds needed for those repairs will come out of reserve funds.

A recent recreation audit of all four facilities - the pools in Gibsons and Sechelt, the Sechelt arena and the Gibsons and Area Community Centre - found that more than a million dollars was needed for repairs. The SCRD was also looking at a $675,000 price tag to upgrade the Sechelt Aquatic Centre to make it even more energy efficient and $120,000 to put in sound dampening in the community centre.

The defeated motion calling for a referendum was asking to borrow $1.3 million to do the rest of the work. If that motion had passed, the loan would have added between $8 and $13 to parcel taxes depending on interest rates and amortization.

Recreation spending is an area that directors have spent a long time on as they continue their annual budget discussions. Round two is just wrapping up, with round three set to start next week.

There is still a possibility the SCRD could receive funds that would enable them to go ahead with the other recreation upgrades, as staff have applied for major grant money. If received, the funds would cover much of the costs.