After a series of meetings and several returns to the drawing board, Gibsons council is advancing the proposed residential-commercial development at 672 North Road, next to the Heritage Playhouse.
March 4, Gibsons council approved two updated variances for the project, which proposes 42 residential rental units and one commercial unit with reduced parking. Twenty per cent of the homes are to be secured as below-market housing for 14 years.
The project has been up for debate for the last month as details have been hammered out, the main focus being variance permits for the height of the building and the number of required parking spaces.
Councillors have questioned the fairness and feasibility of reducing parking spaces, as well as how realistic it is to gravitate towards the car-free areas large cities like Vancouver have.
The public also voiced concerns at a Feb. 18 meeting, over the proximity of the development to a nearby heritage building, that the development “overwhelms adjacent buildings,” and that the reduced parking will cause an overflow into the surrounding neighbourhood.
The variances allow for a 14.82-metre-tall building (down from 16.25m) with a reduced number of parking spaces, yet to be determined.
Gibsons parking requirements are calculated at 1.5 spaces per apartment unit and one space per 45 square meters of retail space. Based on this, 64 spaces would be required without a variance.
The proposal will also secure all housing units as rentals for 20 years and register a housing agreement for 10 affordable rental units for 14 years.
A provision for a car share space and vehicle on the property must be secured if the building permit submission does not allow for one parking space per dwelling unit.
As well, a five-metre right-of-way along the north property line must be established for a future lane.
Staff clarified that the building permit will not be issued until the applicant determines if they will be able to provide one parking spot for each unit.
Included in the staff report is a note from the applicant, committing to:
- Provide a car share space and vehicle on the property in the case that the building permit project submission doesn’t meet a ratio of one parking space for every apartment unit to be built.
- Secure all housing units as rentals for a minimum period of 20 years.
- Registering a housing agreement ensuring that 20 per cent of the building's units are rented at below-market rates for a duration of 14 years, as determined by the final financing conditions established by Candian Mortage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
The staff report states rental rates for these units will not exceed 30 per cent of the Median Total Income for the Census Metropolitan Area, defined by CMHC's criteria for affordability under the Apartment Construction Loan Program.
The variances were passed by council.
Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.
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