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Relay For Life raises $96,000

There were smiles and cheers, hugs and tears at the Relay For Life in Roberts Creek May 28 and 29. The event raised $96,000 for cancer research. "It was a great event and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves," said organizer Sandra Cunningham.

There were smiles and cheers, hugs and tears at the Relay For Life in Roberts Creek May 28 and 29. The event raised $96,000 for cancer research.

"It was a great event and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves," said organizer Sandra Cunningham.

She noted the $96,000 total is short of the $124,000 she had hoped to raise on the Coast this year.

"But I think people have a bit of charity fatigue since the tsunami disaster. And last year the weather was really awful so I think that kept some people away. This year the weather was beautiful," Cunningham said.

She added some of the team members from last year who were fighting cancer have since died from the disease, keeping some teams from re-entering this year.

"A few teams lost some members and they were just not emotionally ready to take part again," said Cunningham.

However, she said the Relay For Life event is empowering and helps people feel like they are doing something to battle the disease that takes approximately 69,500 lives annually in Canada.

"It's a way that ordinary people can really make a difference and I think that's why it is so popular," she said.

Teams involved in Relay For Life collect pledges before the 12-hour event and then take turns walking around a track for the entire 12-hour period.

In Roberts Creek there was plenty of entertainment provided by local musicians and goodies donated to the cause.

"There are different events and activities throughout the night as well, so there's something for everyone to do while they're waiting for their turn to walk," said Cunningham.

She thanked the volunteers and the crew of people who helped her to organize everything. "It wouldn't have been possible without everyone's help. They deserve the credit," said Cunningham.

She noted there is still time to donate to the cause. Pledges can be made online until the end of June at

However, she said she doesn't want to give the impression she is not happy with the $96,000 already raised.

"That's a lot of money for this small community and I am really proud of what the Coast does for all the different non-profit groups here," she added.