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Quizzing candidates on air quality issues

With less than one week to go before local elections, the Sea-to-Sky Clean Air Society (SSCAS) has released the results of a questionnaire delivered to all local candidates in the Sea-to-Sky and Howe Sound airshed, including the ridings of Town of Gi

With less than one week to go before local elections, the Sea-to-Sky Clean Air Society (SSCAS) has released the results of a questionnaire delivered to all local candidates in the Sea-to-Sky and Howe Sound airshed, including the ridings of Town of Gibsons, Gambier Island Local Trust Area, Bowen Island Municipality, Village of Lions Bay, District of Squamish, Resort Municipality of Whistler, Village of Pemberton, and Squamish Lillooet Regional District Electoral areas.

Questions include topics such as support for transportation demand management, identifying a vision for a successful inter-regional transit system, how to encourage greener industry standards locally, and support for backyard burning and cosmetic pesticide bylaws.

"The results indicate a wide range of opinions and solutions that candidates are bringing to the table," said executive director Ione Smith in a news release. "Local elections are so important, because elected officials have direct decision-making authority on so many aspects of air quality in our daily life, from access to transit to the right to have our health protected from illegal burning activities. We hope the results will help voters make wise decisions about who they elect in their communities."

See all the results on the SSCAS website at:

The site will be updated as responses continue to be submitted.

The Sea-to-Sky Clean Air Society is a registered BC Society that aims to improve air quality and the public's knowledge about air quality in the Sea-to-Sky/Howe Sound Airshed. For more information please visit

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