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Public apology and new policies: Sechelt endorses governance audit recommendations

Council looks to implement recommendations from governance audit to address internal dysfunction and improve team dynamics
The District of Sechelt council elected in 2022. From left to right: Coun. Dianne McLauchlan, Coun. Donna Bell, Coun. Alton Toth, Mayor John Henderson, Coun. Darren Inkster, Coun. Brenda Rowe and Coun. Adam Shepherd.

The District of Sechelt Council formally endorsed recommendations from a governance audit report released last month, which cited turmoil and dysfunction in its system and outlined relationship breakdowns between staff and council.

Six resolutions and more than than 20 recommendations were endorsed during the closed meeting July 19. 

Staff is to come forward with a report on implementation of the recommendations. 

The mayor

The mayor of Sechelt is to “issue a public apology for his role in the dysfunction within Council and include in his statement his commitment to a renewed effort in becoming a more effective team player,” which will be reviewed by council next week before being issued to the public, council formally resolved. The approved apology is to be publicized on the district’s website, social media and local newspaper. 

The mayor is also to establish regular meetings with the CAO, which includes an agreement to “act in a supportive, respectful manner.” The deputy mayor or their designate will also attend.

It was also resolved that the mayor request the approval of council before visiting any cabinet minister or senior official and that another member of council and the CAO be asked to accompany him. 


Recommended is that council is to adopt a revised governance model and request the CAO develop guidelines for how the model will be implemented. Further, the Mayor is to create a “Standing Committee on Governance Policy Review,” which will both review current governance policies and recommend new ones.   

It was also recommended that council review and approve role statements for councillors serving on district agencies, boards or committees.

Strategic priorities

Before October each year, council is recommended to set aside time to establish strategic priorities so administration can ensure the proposed capital and operating budgets are in alignment. The CAO is also asked to recommend one to two experienced municipal strategic planning facilitators to be the “independent voice to appropriately steer this process.”

Meeting procedures

Council is recommended to request an experienced legal counsel to assist in determining “the rules of procedures,” governing in-camera meetings. 

Reports from agencies, boards or committees are also recommended to be sent to the CAO for review and comment before being added to a council agenda. 


Any correspondence for the Mayor and council should immediately be forwarded to them and if it is “simply an informational request,” the CAO or administration can draft a response for the signature of the mayor, it was recommended. Other matters sent to council by the public should have the courtesy of a response from council. If members of council feel the public is being frivolous, inquiries should be answered to the best of the administration's ability.


Council is recommended to pursue a CAO performance review in the next 60 days. The CAO is to endorse all “request for decision” and other business items going to council by including his signature on each item. The CAO and his administration are also to endorse the “Roles of the Senior Management Team,” provided in the report. 

Senior management operating principles have been laid out for review by the CAO and any report prepared by the administration for council should be made to all members on a concurrent basis, it was recommended. 

The CAO and corporate officer are also recommended to brief the mayor concerning items on the council agenda a day or two before the meeting.

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.