We all have them. Usually they collect dust or lie dormant in a jar or ceramic jug. Untold thousands, perhaps even millions, are waiting to be used for some good purpose. They are the underdog of the financial world, much maligned and relatively worthless in small amounts, but pooled together can reap great rewards.What are they? Pennies. Who needs them? We all do. Here's a way we can help others with our pennies.On a recent Sunday, the congregation of Bethel Baptist Church was challenged to pool their pennies and bless others with the total number gathered. An empty 18-litre water jug was placed in the foyer, and in three Sundays it was overflowing with copper.The total raised was $300.95 with all the proceeds to go to the Food Bank. While each donation may not have amounted to much individually, in total the sum can bring a little relief to the food bank that helps families and individuals in the community.On our own we may not think we can help those in need, but pooling a resource such as pennies that most of us think worthless can bring tremendous blessing. Imagine if every youth group, service club and school took up the Pennies from Heaven challenge and pooled their pennies to give to a charity in need. What a difference we can make in the life of others.So take up the challenge, gather the copper, total it up, and bless others. After all, every penny counts.For more information or suggestions, you can contact Pastor Al at Bethel Baptist Church at 604-885-3919.